Torque specs for Bolt size of bolts where the trans goes to engine on 1996 ford explorer

Ford Explorer Trans Bolt Size

Torque Specs For Transmission to Engine Bolt Size

Ford Explorer Torque Specs

96 ford explorer Manual trans. 2 door 6 cyl. 2 wheel drive repair diagrams

Below are torque specifications (in alphabetical order) related to the Ford SOHC V6 4.0L engine used in Explorers, Mountaineers, Mustangs and Rangers.  If there was a difference between Haynes and E/MWM I used the E/MWM value. Tightening sequence diagrams are at the end.

E/MWM > 2000 Explorer/Mountaineer Workshop Manual
Haynes > Haynes Repair Manual, Ford Explorer 1991 thru 2001
TTY > torque-to-yield and should not be reused
LHT > left hand thread (tightens counter-clockwise)
Left > driver side
Right > passenger side

A/C compressor manifold bolt: 15 lb-ft (E/MWM)
A/C line bracket nut: 15 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Accelerator control splash shield bolt: 35 lb-in (E/MWM)
Accessory bracket bolts: 31 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Alternator bracket bolts: 31 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Balance shaft assembly bolts: 19 to 21 ft-lbs (Haynes)
Balance shaft chain guide bolts: 80 to 97 in-lbs (Haynes)
Balance shaft chain tensioner bolts: 21 to 22 ft-lbs (Haynes)
Bell housing bolts: (E/MWM)
...Lower to block cradle: 32 lb-ft
...Upper to block: 35 lb-ft
Camshaft sprocket bolt: (E/MWM)
...Left: 63 lb-ft
...Right:LHT 63 lb-ft or 45 lb-ft if using 6485 socket extension
Camshaft bearing cap bolt: (E/MWM)
...Step 1: 53 lb-in
...Step 2: 12 lb-ft
Connecting rod cap nuts/bolts (TTY): (E/MWM)
...Step 1: 15 lb-ft
...Step 2: plus 90 degrees
Crankshaft damper bolt (TTY): (E/MWM)
...Step 1: Thru 2000: 33 lb-ft
...Step 2: plus 90 degrees
Crankshaft pulley bolt: 20 to 28 ft-lbs (Haynes)
Cylinder head bolts: (Haynes)
...Thru 2000: 8 mm bolts: 23 to 25 ft-lbs
...12 mm bolts: Step 1: 26 ft-lbs, Step 2: plus 90 deg, Step 3: plus 90 deg
...2001 & later: 8 mm bolts: 23 to 25 ft-lbs
...12 mm bolts: Step 1: 24 ft-lbs, Step 2: plus 80 deg, Step 3: plus 80 deg
Electrical harness retainer bolt: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Engine block cradle (upper oil pan): (E/MWM)
...Inside bolts: Step 1: 11 lb-ft, Step 2: 24 lb-ft
...Perimeter bolts/nuts: 80 lb-in
...Threaded inserts: 27 lb-in
...Torx bolts: 71 lb-in
...Bell housing (lower rear) bolts: 32 lb-ft
Engine coolant temperature (ECT) sensor: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Engine electrical(wiring harness) connector: 53 lb-in (E/MWM)
Engine front cover bolts: 14 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Engine mount bracket to block bolts: 35 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Engine mount (lower) bracket bolts: 59 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Engine mount (upper) bracket nuts: 81 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) tube bracket bolts: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) valve tube fittings: 30 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Exhaust manifold nuts: 16 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Exhaust pipe to manifold bolts: 30 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Flywheel/driveplate bolts: (Haynes)
...Thru 1999: Step 1: 19 to 25 ft-lbs, Step 2: plus 90 deg
...2000: Step 1: 10 ft-lbs, Step 2: 52 ft-lbs
Fuel injection supply manifold bolts: 18 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Fuel line bracket bolt: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Ground wire bolt: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Heater hose bracket bolts: 27 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Intake manifold bolts:
...Thru 2000: Lower: 13 lb-ft, Upper: 62 lb-in (E/MWM)
...2001: Manifold: 89 in-lbs (Haynes)
Jackshaft chain guide bolts: 14 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Jackshaft chain tensioner bolts: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Jackshaft sprocket bolts: (E/MWM)
...Front: Step 1: 33 lb-ft, Step 2: plus 90 deg
...Rear: Step 1: 15 lb-ft, Step 2: plus 90 deg
Jackshaft thrust plate bolts:
...Thru 2000: 8 lb-ft (E/MWM)
...2001 & later: 88 in-lbs (Haynes)
Knock sensor bolt: 18 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Main bearing cap bolts: 72 ft-lbs (Haynes)
Oil bypass filter: 10 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil filter adapter bolt: 42 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil galley (restrictor) plug: 11 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil level indicator tube bracket bolt: 18 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil pan drain plug: 19 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil pan (sheet metal) to crankcase reinforcement section bolts: 80 lb-in (E/MWM)
Oil pressure sensor: 9 to 11 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil pump drive gear retainer bolt: 14 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Oil pump pick up tube bolts: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Oil pump to block Torx bolts: 14 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Power steering pressure line nut: 13 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Powertrain control module (PCM) bolt: 53 lb-in (E/MWM)
Powertrain control module (PCM) ground wire nut: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Spark plug: 15 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Starter motor bolt/nut: 18 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Thermostat housing bolts: 8 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Timing chain cassette bolts: (E/MWM)
...Left: Lower: 14 lb-ft, Upper: 9 lb-ft
...Right: Lower: 13 lb-ft, Upper: 89 lb-in
Timing chain tensioner (hydraulic/spring):
...Thru 1998: Left: 35 to 39 ft-lbs, Right: 31 to 33 ft-lbs (Haynes)
...1999 & later: Left & Right: 49 lb-ft if reusing O ring, 32 lb-ft if new O ring (E/MWM)
Torque converter to flywheel nuts: 35 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Transmission cooler line bracket bolt: 35 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Transmission dipstick tube bracket bolt: 27 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Transmission to engine bolts: 35 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Valve cover bolts: 80 lb-in (E/MWM)
Vapor management valve (VMV) hose bracket: 11 lb-ft (E/MWM)
Water pump bolts: 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Water temperature indicator sender unit (sensor): 89 lb-in (E/MWM)
Wiring harness (front cover) retainer nuts: 11 lb-ft (E/MWM)

Ford engine Torque specs
ford FlywheelSequence
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