
Showing posts with the label How to Car Repair

How to Release a Stuck Parking Brake

How to Release a Stuck Parking Brake In many vehicles, the parking brake can get stuck if left engaged for a long period of time, or if subjected to overzealous application. If you feel the unmistakable drag of a seized parking brake when you're in your vehicle, try to determine the location and cause of the jam. There may be rust or corrosion, and problems can occur in the cable, the lever or the brake assembly. Things You'll Need Jack Hammer Penetrating rust remover Screwdrivers Wrenches Instructions Agitate the brakes physically by applying and releasing the brake a number of times. Or shift alternately into drive and reverse to lurch the vehicle back and forth. Or bounce the car up and down near the seized wheel. Support the car securely on a jackstand. Remove the wheel to gain access to the seized brake. Take care not to damage any parts as you tap the brake assembly with a hammer to free the pads from the disc or drum. Test the parking brake cable to see