
Showing posts with the label ATF

How Often Should Transmission Fluid Be Replaced?

Do You Really Need to Change the Transmission Fluid? But Car Owners Ask This Question: How often should the automatic transmission fluid be changed? When exactly it is a good time to change your automatic transmission fluid Most car owner's manuals say it isn't necessary. Yeah, right. That's why transmission shops are making a fortune replacing burned out automatic transmissions.  For optimum protection, change the fluid and filter every 30,000 miles (unless you have a new vehicle that is filled with Dexron III ATF which is supposed to be good for 100,000 miles).  Fresh automatic transmission fluid (ATF) is bright red and has a distinct petroleum smell. If Your dipstick shows a low level, is the color of institutional linoleum and smells very dirty. Your transmission fluid is badly in need of changing, and the tranny may already be damaged. Proper Checking of the Automatic Transmission Fluid Level The automatic transmission level should