Ford fiesta speedometer needle not working?

Ford Fiesta Speedometer Repair

You could have a fault with the clock itself -it does happen - but the usual fault is with the VSS - - vehilce speed sensor which is mounted on the gearbox top toward the back.

you can check the wiring on it - but its usually a faulty sensor... The way forward really - without buying a sensor and fitting it, is to have a diagnostic test done... Used in Live Data mode - this checks the output of the sensor - and verifies whether its a failed sensor - a failed drive or a wiring issue - or a fault with the clock as mentioned..

Most small garages can do this for you and its money well spent - It only takes 20 mins or so and saves money buying parts and hoping you have bought the right one you understand ....

It should take no more than an hour or so to test / change the VSS if it comes to that -
Some garages charge a flat fee - 30 -40£ for a diagnostic test - though many just charge all -in with the labour for the job.. So that gives you an idea...

But if speedo needle is intermittently working sometimes then, it sounds like you may well just have a bad connection somewhere -

Usually this is on the VSS itself -so - you can check this -- Look on top of the gearbox and you will see the sensor - as I mentioned before - its on the top toward the rear - - Its a black sensor with three wires / wire connector to it -

Disconnect the connector and clean the pins and refit - and retry.

If that does it , great -- If not - it looks like a new sensor would be needed - that would be the next usual step in such a case....


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