1994 nissan sentra overheat

Nissan sentra  overheats While Driving

Car Runs Hot

The most common part that fails when car is overheating is Thermostat, some how it get stuck in one position. I you decide to get the part, get it from a Nissan dealer.

The other part I can think of is Coolant Temperature Sensor. Maybe it's not turning on your fans.

Check the engine oil, make sure coolant hasn't gotten in. Could be damage to the engine block if coolant and oil mixes.

Remove thermostat and see how the cooling fan works.

If the thermostat is removed, and if you are sure the fan is operating correctly, there are 4 other things to look at!

1. when you fill the cooling system, be sure to bleed it properly.
Set the blower to "hot" to eliminate air from the heater core as well.
Position the car so that the radiator is at the highest point.

2. Could be a leak in the cooling system.
Get the car up to operating temp. and physically check for leaks.
Or get a pressure check done on the cooling system.

3. Could be a blown head gasket!
Oil and water wont always mix.
There could be a leak between the cylinder and cooling system only.
The surest way the check is to get a chemical leak down test done.
This checks for combustion gasses in the cooling system.

4. If it passes the chemical test, get the radiator stripped and cleaned as it could have a bolckage!
Especially if the car only overheats under heavy loads like constant high speeds or stop start hard acceleration!

Following these step will be sure to locate the fault!

Most likely a restricted radiator or a leaking head gasket. These were the two most prevelant cooing system problems with the Sentras when I had my shop. Flow testing the radiator with a hose won't tell you much unless the radiator is completely clogged. Likewise, a minor head gasket leak will not always produce white smoke; but will cause the engine to overheat. 

Unless you want to spend a lot of time and money with trial and error, take the car to a radiator shop and have them do a diagnostic test.

Sure the thermostat is in the right way? Always worth checking the direction of flow. That would do exactly what you are talking about. 
Air bubble in the system would also do that. 

1994 Nissan Sentra is overheating. Thermostat and water pump have been replaced, and we bled the system as best we could. A friend is suggesting a radiator flush. Will this fix the problem,

OK, First off, make sure the cooling fans are actually coming on when the car is hot. This can be a big problem.
I do agree that a radiator flush or a radiator may be in order. You have to maybe check the cooling fins on the radiator. They may be full of dirst and not allowing air to fl;ow through.
Lastly, have the system pressure tested. Leave the pressure on it for about an hour, then pull the spark plugs and check for anti freeze in the cylinders. You may have a small head gasket leak that is allowing the hot exhaust into the cooling chamber and causing the car to overheat. Hope this helps! Thanks


What would cause a 94 Nissan Sentra to overheat when radiator is cool to the touch? Waterpump, radiator, and thermostat are new. and after shifting into neutral to come to a stop, car shuts off. 

If you leave the coolant fill cap off and let the car idle, do you see a constant flow of air bubbles? Do the cooling fans operate? Were all of the items listed replaced to try to cure this problem?

Both fans are operational. After engine idles for 2-5 minutes with cap off, water bubbles out of radiator opening. Yes, all items were replaced to cure problem.

Ok then is sounds as though the cooling system is doing what is should, but something is stopping the coolant flow. The air bubbles being present would be very much a characteristic of a faulty head gasket, cracked cylinder head, or even possibly a cracked engine block. There is a chemical test that can be done on the cooling system to verify that there is engine compression inside of the cooling system. It may be a good idea to check around at your local repair facilities to see if any of them can do this test for you. 


If You tried Everything and it still overheats then the problem is related to blown headgasket

To know how to test blown headgasket check the link below:


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