How Does Brake Calipers Work?

A brake caliper is designed to utilize brake fluid under pressure to transfer force the brake pads. In-turn the brake pads contact the rotating brake rotor to slow the car. A brake caliper is typically mounted to the spindle or backing plate. There are two basic designs of brake caliper mounting, fixed and floating. A fixed position brake caliper is bolted to the spindle and is not allowed to move. This kind of brake caliper is constructed with caliper pistons on both sides of the caliper. The floating style of caliper is mounted to the spindle or backing plate using a slide bolt. This slide bolt design allows the caliper to slide on these bolts. This design uses pistons on just one side of the brake caliper.
Brake calipers are a crucial part of the braking system of any vehicle, as they perform the mechanical aspect of the braking action. Properly understanding brake calipers, their function and operation, helps you to identify issues when the brakes do not work correctly. While basic information can provide you insight into the braking system and the calipers, without previous experience performing mechanical repairs on your vehicle, it is best to take your car to a mechanic when it comes to repairs or problems with the brakes and calipers.
The brake caliper acts like a clamp on the wheel's rotor to stop the wheel from turning when the brakes are applied. Pressing the brake pedal activates a push rod that pushes against a master cylinder piston that forces fluid into a pressure chamber and throughout the hydraulic brake hose system. The fluid forced through the hydraulic brake lines arrives at the calipers where it acts upon the caliper pistons sealed by O-rings. The O-rings prevent fluid from escaping the system. The caliper piston presses against the brake pads on either side of the rotor, which squeezes or "grabs" the rotor to slow it down. The brake pads use friction to stop the rolling car and are essential for safe stopping to prevent accidents.
Brake calipers can be one or two pieces and contain pistons or cylinders made of aluminum or steel. Two-piece designs are less expensive to manufacture, but have some disadvantages, which includes flex, less present in one-piece designs. Brake calipers hold the brake pads and have channels that accept the hydraulic brake fluid that activates the piston to push the brake pad against the rotor.
Vehicle brakes don't function correctly, if air is introduced into the hydraulic fluid system, if the system leaks brake fluid, the brake pads are worn beyond safe use or if there is a significant amount of debris preventing the piston from moving the brake pad in place to stop. Replace or repair worn brake calipers, but new brake calipers can be expensive, so when possible, have them repaired. Most vehicles will exhibit a warning light or will pull in a particular direction, if there is an issue with your brake calipers.
Brake calipers can have from 1 to 6 pistons depending on manufacturer design. All brake calipers are fitted with a brake fluid bleeder. This bleeder is designed to allow air to escape from the system. If air is allowed in the system it can cause brake operation failure. A brake caliper piston is sealed to the brake caliper housing using a main piston seal. This seal allows the piston to move back and forth without allowing brake fluid to leak. This seal is protected by a dust seal that keeps debris from contaminating the integrity of the seal. The brake system should always be flushed and bled regularly to prevent moisture from creating rust. This rust can cause the caliper piston seal to fail allowing brake fluid to leak. If your brake caliper is leaking you must replace the caliper or rebuild the caliper using a brake caliper rebuild kit.


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