Car Door Latch Repairs

How to Repair a Car Door That Will Not Latch Close

Repairing Stuck-up Car Door Latch

All vehicle owners should know how to fix a car door that won’t shut, as well as one that gets stuck and does not open.A sagging door or problem with the door latch could be the problem. Vehicle door latches might require just a few tools to fix.

Before We Discuss The Door Latch Repair its Suggested To Go Through Working Of Car Door Latch And What Are Common Problems That Occurs When Cars Door Latches Fail.

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Once You Understand This Procedure Repairing Car Door Latch Gets Very Easy:

Procedure 1: Door Latch Reset Procedure

Take a good look at  latch from the outside and make sure that the latch isn't locked with the door open.
IE: Make sure the area on your door that is open for the striker and make sure that a clear path is there.If not take a screwdriver and insert it into door latch, pull door handle and slide screwdriver toward inside of car and open the latch up.

Door Latch Reset Procedure

Procedure 2: Video Showing How To Reset Car Door That Will Not Close Due To Stuck-up Door Latch.

Its a Youtube video link.
Click the link below and View the video showing how to Fix Car Door Latch

Basic Problem:
Car Door won't shut. Door latch wont lock into place even when straightened out into correct place.?

Solution for such problem is use WD-40 Spray to lubricate the latch assembly. Dont Spray too much WD-40 but spray it properly.Let it remain for few minutes and try operating the door lock assembly and see if latch starts working.

It's either rusted up more than the WD-40 can handle, you broke the latch spring in the door mechanism. or if it's cold out, it's frozen. If it's cold... use a heat gun or hair dryer on the edge of the door shooting into the latch. After a few minutes try aligning the latch and slam the door a few times. Now spray with more WD-40 and work the latch.If a inside spring or latch is broken then it has to be replaced.

Also try loosening the striker bolt on the door jam and adjust it.

Common Tips That Helps You Confirm That Door Latch Is Faulty:

Issue: Door Will Not Get Close
Tip 1:
Look for a rotating latch with prongs on the edge of the car door. The latch should be rotating downward, not upward.

Suppose it is rotating upward then solve the problem by this simple procedure.
You will need a helper to do this procedure.
Lift the door handle upward and check to see if the door latch is still in the "closed" position. If it is, have a helper hold the door handle upward while you use a screwdriver to manually push the latch so that it rotates downward.And This Will Help.

Issue:Door will close but just automatically gets open in few seconds on may be in minutes.
Tip 2:

On this problem.Close the door; if it will not stay shut for a short period of time.You will need helper.Ask the helper to hold the door closed from inside the car.Now  Stand few feet back and examine the closed door's alignment with the car body. If the door does not match the rest of the car's alignment.Here's the problem, put a 2 by 2 wood block below the door's lower hinge.This will level the car door and it will stay closed and will open properly.
For permanent solution,just get car door realigned by inspecting the hinges and its screws.May be the hinge is got bent or its screw is got loose causing the problem.


  1. This is a great guide if I ever need it in the future! Something similar happened to my car recently, but after a trip to my Ford service department I learned they could fix it free of charge.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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